Genre → Horor
Tales From the Beyond
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Ghosts, the spectral being. Wandering souls of the dead with some unfinished business. Whether or not they are really exist among us, nobody can say for sure. Some people swore they have caught a glimpse of a family member who had just passed away recently, or seeing the victim of some certain accident still lingering around the site, materializing themselves up to anyone who's passing through. While the rest shrugged at its existence. There is no such thing as ghost. Dead people no longer stays on Earth. Pros and cons.

This collection of short stories tells the tales of supernatural phenomenon that occurred among the mundane lives of unsuspecting people. While most of the stories in this book are fictional, it doesn't rule out the possibility that what you read here would actually be happening to you someday. Keep your eyes open.
Tokoh Utama
Different characters on each story
Kamu harus masuk terlebih dahulu untuk mengirimkan ulasan, Masuk
Belum ada Ulasan
Tentang Penulis
Adri Adityo Wisnu
Dulu aku seorang ksatria jelata yang jatuh cinta dengan putri raja. Tentu hubungan kami ditentang. Suatu malam kami ketahuan sedang bercinta di balik kandang kuda. Aku ditangkap dan dihukum mati oleh sang baginda raja.

Beberapa ratus tahun kemudian, aku terlahir kembali sebagai mas-mas penulis yang bio nggak pentingnya lagi lo baca ini. Selamat ya untuk yg telah ngabisin 2 menit hidupnya secara percuma.

P.S: Cerita di atas hanyalah fiktif belaka... Eh tapi nggak tau juga sih, siapa tau bener.

Instagram: @anakbabehgue
Bergabung sejak 2020-08-30
Telah diikuti oleh 346 pengguna
Sudah memublikasikan 10 karya
Menulis lebih dari 109,267 kata pada novel
Rekomendasi dari Horor