Genre → Thriller
Like a Boar to a Flame
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A door that never opened. A woman that crept around at midnight. And a bizarre, nostalgic nightmare. Those were what Wenny discovered after her friends' life-changing visit to her home.

Fueled by internet searches and sheer curiosity, she eventually weaved those incidents into a theory that seemingly answered the mystery of her Dad's disappearance years ago. But, could she prove her theory?
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Endri Irfanie
Thriller genre writer.
Had a penchant to write short stories that incorporate Indonesia\'s folklore and myths.
Bergabung sejak 2020-01-01
Telah diikuti oleh 209 pengguna
Sudah memublikasikan 4 karya
Menulis lebih dari 60,958 kata pada novel
Rekomendasi dari Thriller